Early Childhood Collaboration Data 201: Collecting and Summarizing Data
- Member - Free!
One of the areas that collaborations request training and technical assistance in again and again is data. Collaborations know that data is important but may not know how to go about making data-informed decisions that can strengthen and deepen the impact of their work with children and families. These on-demand modules provide information, activities, and resources that will help collaborations do their work more effectively which will ultimately improve outcomes for children and families in Illinois.
Module 1 provides an overview on the goals for the course and a review of quantitative data collection. Module 2 helps collaborations assess community needs and outline a plan to collect data. Module 3 examines how to collect data through surveys, focus groups, and interviews. Module 4 explores how to present data in a way that can influence and support decision-making.
Users can adapt the resources offered in this course to meet the unique needs of their collaboration and community to:
· Further build collaboration knowledge of and comfort with data
· Solidify skills around conducting surveys, focus groups, and interviews
· Develop a plan for organizing data-centered events